Copy of Government of India Post, Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Postgs (PC Cell) letter No 1-20/2008-PCC dated 27.3.2009
Subject : Placement of non matriculate Group 'D' employees in the Pay Band PB-1 with effect from 1.1.2006
Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission by the Government, non-matriculate Government servants who were in the pre-revised Group 'D' scales are to be granted the revised pay structure in the following manner:
Placement of all such employees initially in the corresponding 1-S pay scale of Rs 4440-7440 with appropriate grade pay Rs 1300, Rs 1400, Rs 1600 and Rs 1650 w.e.f. 1.1.2006
Fixation of pay of those employees, who already possess the revised minimum qualification of Matriculation or its equivalent, in PB-1 with grade pay of Rs 1800 with effect from 1.1.2006.
Those employees who do not possess the prescribed minimum qualification would need to be retrained before being placed in the PB-1 pay band with grade payh of Rs 1800.
2. The sixth CPC, while recommending higher pay scale to non-matriculate Group 'D' in PB-1, has suggested that job description of Group 'D' posts shall also be revised and redefined with emphasis on multi-skilling so that a single employee is able to perform various jobs. As per Rule 151 of Postal Manual Volume VI Part III the Group 'D' posts in the Department of Posts are of the nature of general assistance in the office who must be ready to give their help wherever required. The duties of Group D have been also been defined in Rules 144 to 152 of Postal Manual Volume VI Part III, which include wide range of functions. Keeping in view the changed environment and need of the time, following additional duties shall be entrusted to the staff in the Post Offices, RMS offices and Administrative offices who were in the pre-reised Group 'D' scales in addition to their existing duties:-
(A) Post Offices :
(i) Sorting of Mail (ii) Regd/Parcel delivery slips, (iii) VP receipts, Delivery lists for Registered articles, Money Order issue/paid lists, acquittance rolls etc (iv) Sale of Postage stamps and stationery, (v) Booking of Registered/Parcel articles (vi) Basic data entry on computers, Record keeping (vii) Booking of Speed Post articles (viii) Receipt and despatch of mails (ix) Duties of caretaker (x) Any other duty assigned by the office
(B) RMS Offices :
(i) Sorting of Mail (ii) Prepartion of Mail/Registered/Parcel Lists (iii) Sale of Postage Stamps and Stationery (iv) Booking of Registered/Parcel articles (v) Basis data entry on computers (vi) Record keeping (vii) Booking of Speed post articles (viii) Receipt and despatch of mails (ix) Handling customer enquiries (x) Duties of caretaker (xi) Any other duty assigned by the office
(C) Administrative/Other offices including DA(P)s:
(i) Maintenance of Diary/Despatch/Movement Registers or making entries in the computer (ii) Linking receipts in the files already opened (iii) Submission of periodical statements of routine nature like Absentee Statement etc (iv) Indenting and maintenance of Stationery in the Section/Office (v) Record keeping (vi) Photocopying and preparation of sets (vii) Duties of care taker (viii) Basic data entry on computers (ix) Any other duty assigned by the officeThese employees will henceforth be known by the generic term of "Muti Skilled Employees". However, the specific designations like Mail Peon, Mail Man etc will continue and they will continue to perform the existing duties along with the assigned additional duties.
3. The issue was referred to Ministry of Finance for fixation of the pay scales of these employees of Department of Posts before completion of the training and that Ministry has concurred in the proposal subject to the conditions that necessary computer training may be provided to enhance their skill. Action may be initiated by the Heads of Circles to complete the required training on computer operations in consultation with the Training Division of the Directorate. Training Division of the Directorate will take necessary action to get the module developed to train all such non-matriculate employees in basic data entry and circulate to all circles. The Divisional Superintendents/Controlling Authorities should ensure that the training is imparted and required certificte is issued about completion of the prescribed training and necessary entry recorded in the Service Book of each official.
4 (i) All the Multi Skilled Employees who were in the pre-revised Group 'D' pay scales will be placed in the revised pay bands as indicated below with effect from 1.1.2006. Here table
(ii) Inter-se seniority of all the employees in erstwhile Group 'D' will be fully maintained with Group D employee in a higher Fifth CPC pay scale being placed higher vis-a-vis an employee in a lower pay scale. Within the same pre-revised pay scale, the seniority will be fixed on the basis of date on which the person came to be placed in that pay scale.
5. Heads of Circles will please issue necessary instructions to all concerned to take prompt action to complete the entire process including training by 30.4.2009 and report compliance to the undersigned latest by 15.5.2009.
6. The issues with concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, I.C vide their U.O No 7.6./7/2009-IC dated 12.3.2009
A.K. Sharma, DDG (Estt)
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